Sunday, August 16, 2009


Thank heavens for AUTO SAVE.

Beth writing. Well right now (Sunday noonish) - I am still home. The last couple of days have been very busy. I have been at the hospital a lot. My mom and dad have taken a couple of shifts. Barbara is there now (i think).

Doctor usually comes in before 10 am - so I try to be there. Then rehab 3 to 4 times a day, sponge bath, lunch and all the sudden it's 4 p.m. Liz usually takes a quick nap before dinner. Then I make her eat then she sleeps again for up to an hour. I figure if she sleeps an hour, then I can go. She usually gets up right before I had planned to leave - so I am there for another hour or two, getting stuff ready for the night.

We are being our typical selfs. I showed up on Friday and my mom told me that she was washing the plastic silverware and putting it in the Ice Tea Box. I could not stop laughing. I still think it's funny. I told her that I could get more at the cafeteria. Since Liz eats to little - one of us finishes her meals or puts it away for her to eat later. We try to eat with her (whether part of her food, cafeteria or stuff we brought).

I spend a lot of time jumping in and out of the chair to get things for her. I have taken cold brew tea bags and one of my big cups and I make her ice tea. Then when she wants it, I have to mix in sweet and low. I feel like a mad scienctist with all I have to go through to get her drink ready (this is several times a day). I have also taken baggies to keep food she doesn't eat. They have a refrigerator and freezer where we can keep it and a microwave. I was so excited. You know how I can't waste things.

Some of the staff have looked at us like we are nuts. But hey - anything to save money. There parking there is outragous so of course I looked into discounts the first day.

Liz is walking to the gym with the walker. She can push herself in the wheelchair. She is up to 5 minutes playing balloon toss. I keep telling her that some of her cousins would love to play balloon toss with her. She can sorta' get out of the wheelchair by herself. (with PT right there). I still takes 2 people to get brace on and she is still on a bed pan. They have a meeting on Tuesday to figure out the next step. Please pray that they will keep her another week. She has to have the hip brace on for at least 1 more week if not 2. When that comes off, if should be a little easier.

Please keep me posted on what's going on in your life. Being at the hosptial so much reminds me of "Float Week" where I don't even know what's going on in the outside world.

Thanks for the prayers and food and everything.

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