Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life at Home

Beth writing. Monday Liz was in severe pain. She called 911 and they took her to Northridge Hospital. After being there from 7 pm to 2 am, they told us that she had a UTI. Maybe the one at Burbank never got better? They started her on antiboitics and sent her home.

We have had Occupational Therapy, and nurse, a bather and PT (which only accessed her). Today is Thursday so she has not had any PT since last Thursday. Weird system. We went to see Orthopedic yesterday. Liz got the cast off and now has a brace on her hand. This afternoon we go to get the hip part of the big brace taken off. YEAH!!!!! She can walk but still needs to use the walker some. She has to wear tennis shoes for the next couple of months. She is not happy about this.

We are still waiting for referrals from the insurance to go see the Pain guy and the back guy. I am trying to convince her to take less pain meds. Its not easy.

Please come see her. She is starting to go crazy and Grandma and I are tired of entertaining her. We need some fresh people.

Thanks for prayers and let me know what it going on in your lives.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

WE ARE HOME!!!!! and Liz wants Visitors

Beth writting. Liz is finally home. She is at living with Grandma and Grandpa Griggs in Woodland Hills. She came home on Friday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday were very interesting days. We are realtively smart people. I can't image what dumb people due. Fighting with insurance and trying to get the correct equpiment delivered. And trying to get the prescriptions so we had them before we got home, especially pain meds.

We have a hospital bed, reclining wheelchair, special walker. Thank heavens mom and dad's is set up for handicap. Makes life a lot easier.

I will going into details later. Got home from church and have been doing stuff on computer to get ready for Epiphany. I have to take a lot of stuff over to mom's since I am staying there to take care of Liz.

Liz can't get out of bed without brace on. Also needs help as night. Friday night I spent the night. Liz took her pain medication at 5:45 pm and then fell asleep about 9:30 pm. She slept until 5 am. I got up 4 times just to make sure she was breathing. She had NEVER gone that long with meds before. Now she is averaging 5 hours, which is great. We have been decreasing the medication and will continue.

We have the first doctor's appt on Wednesday. Should be an interesting trip. We plan to put her wheelchair in mom and dad's van. So far she has only sat in wheelchair for 20 or so minutes. Need to practice more the next 3 days.

Keep the prayers coming.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are you reading?

I have been typing for 10 minutes and just lost the whole thing. Let me regroup and I will start over.

Are you reading us? Liz is curious about who and how many people are reading this. If you are, please send an email to and tell us.



Thank heavens for AUTO SAVE.

Beth writing. Well right now (Sunday noonish) - I am still home. The last couple of days have been very busy. I have been at the hospital a lot. My mom and dad have taken a couple of shifts. Barbara is there now (i think).

Doctor usually comes in before 10 am - so I try to be there. Then rehab 3 to 4 times a day, sponge bath, lunch and all the sudden it's 4 p.m. Liz usually takes a quick nap before dinner. Then I make her eat then she sleeps again for up to an hour. I figure if she sleeps an hour, then I can go. She usually gets up right before I had planned to leave - so I am there for another hour or two, getting stuff ready for the night.

We are being our typical selfs. I showed up on Friday and my mom told me that she was washing the plastic silverware and putting it in the Ice Tea Box. I could not stop laughing. I still think it's funny. I told her that I could get more at the cafeteria. Since Liz eats to little - one of us finishes her meals or puts it away for her to eat later. We try to eat with her (whether part of her food, cafeteria or stuff we brought).

I spend a lot of time jumping in and out of the chair to get things for her. I have taken cold brew tea bags and one of my big cups and I make her ice tea. Then when she wants it, I have to mix in sweet and low. I feel like a mad scienctist with all I have to go through to get her drink ready (this is several times a day). I have also taken baggies to keep food she doesn't eat. They have a refrigerator and freezer where we can keep it and a microwave. I was so excited. You know how I can't waste things.

Some of the staff have looked at us like we are nuts. But hey - anything to save money. There parking there is outragous so of course I looked into discounts the first day.

Liz is walking to the gym with the walker. She can push herself in the wheelchair. She is up to 5 minutes playing balloon toss. I keep telling her that some of her cousins would love to play balloon toss with her. She can sorta' get out of the wheelchair by herself. (with PT right there). I still takes 2 people to get brace on and she is still on a bed pan. They have a meeting on Tuesday to figure out the next step. Please pray that they will keep her another week. She has to have the hip brace on for at least 1 more week if not 2. When that comes off, if should be a little easier.

Please keep me posted on what's going on in your life. Being at the hosptial so much reminds me of "Float Week" where I don't even know what's going on in the outside world.

Thanks for the prayers and food and everything.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Epiphany Ministry

Paul/Clint and I are part of the Epiphany Ministry. This is a three day ministry where we go into the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility for 3 days from 7 am to 7 pm. Paul does not go in. He handles food and such for us on the outside.

We have a Prayer Vigil that runs from Friday, September 4 at 5 p.m. until Monday, September 7 until 7 p.m. We ask that people sign up for 1/2 hour intervals. We will give you ideas of what to pray about.

I have been assigned the following California times: (please plan your time to match ours)
Friday 9/4 8:30-9:00 pm
Saturday 9/5 6:30-7 am
Saturday 9/5 11:30-noon
Saturday 9/5 9:30 - 10 pm
Sunday 9/6 2:30-3 am
Sunday 9/6 12:20-1 pm
Sunday 9/6 5:30-6 pm
Monday 9/7 2:30-3 am
Monday 9/7 7:30-8 am
Monday 9/7 2:30-3 pm
If these times are not good for you - pick any 1/2 or hour you want and I will sign u up. Please email me your first name, state and what time you would like.

Also, we collect money for meals and bibles. These are called Meal Buddies/Bible Budies. The cost is $5.00 per meal/bible. It is tax deductible.

Thanks for any help you can give.


Beth writing. It is Wednesday. Sorry it's been so long, but wanted to wait until I knew more.

On Friday at 3:15 - Liz called me in tears and said "They are sending me home today." I said "No there not. I'll be right there." By the time I got there they had decided that they would send her home on Saturday. I said "No." I ran though all the reasons. After fighting with Case Manager and Insurance for 2 hours, it was decided that we re-evaluate on Monday. Well, Monday came and they still wanted to send her "HOME". No nursing home would take her. Again, I explained that her grandparents could not safetly take care of her and there was no money to hire help.

Well, end result was that she was transferred to St. Joseph's in Burbank yesterday at 4:30 p.m. She is in rehab even though she is not supposed to be because she can't walk yet. That is the requirement for Rehab. You have to be able to walk if you are going to be able to walk. (This is for my family - symantics).

They agreed to keep her 1 to 1 1/2 weeks if I would agree to take her home at that time. I am leaving it in God's hands that it will work out that she will be able to stay there. Please pray for this. We wanted Northridge, but her insurance doesn't have a contract there. I am and will be spending long hours because of distance.

You know they say that God doesn't give you more than you can handle - well I think I'm done (but obviously God doesn't). My boss today (the church Pastor) told me that as of September 1 there is no more money to pay me. I am being laid off. I have not been happy there for a while with all the politics and stuff going on and was deciding what to do. Guess God took the decision out of my hands. We could use the money, but I am praying that he opens some other door that I can use.

I will try to update more often, but with no laptop and only home to sleep - it's kinda hard.

Thanks for the prayers and everything.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Beth writing. Liz actually got in the wheelchair today. I took her outside for a while and then she got hot so we went in. She had me leave her in the hall for a while. She wanted to get out but PT was not back yet so we went up and down the halls.

She did very well getting out of it. I still took 2 people to get her in and out, so it's not something I can do on my own.

Liz would really like visitors. If you have any time, please stop by. If she is asleep - WAKE HER UP.

Yesterday the Occupational Therapist came in and asked Liz "Do you want to get up and brush your teeth?" Liz said "no." Then he asked 'Do you want to sit up and dangle you feed off the bed?" Liz said "no." He just had her do some exercises. I asked Liz if she had told him that she can't get up and she said "He should read the "f-ing" chart. It's not my fault if he's stupid". We just can't believe some of the people. I remember when Zack/Keith was in and nurses and such would come in the room and ask if he was ready to go for a walk. He had all kinds of comebacks. For those of you who don't know. The week before Thanksgiving in 2006 my nephew had an ATV accident and broke the same vertebrae. His break compromised his spine so he is paralyzed. What are the chances of 2 cousins breaking the same vertebrae?

I believe that going through all that with Zack has let me deal with what is going on with Liz better than I might have. When I got the phone call about Liz - the Lord told me that she was bad but going to be okay. When I got the Call about Zack - we left to drive to Palm Springs and I did not know if he was dead or alive until we got very close to the hospital and one of my sisters called from the hospital. Life is nver dull in our family.

Again, thanks for all the prayers, food, gifts, visitors and such. They have been a Godsend. It's interesting how times like these show you who your friends really are. Some people have stepped up that I never would have expected and some that I expected have not. I don't know if traumas bring out the worst or best of people. I have learned a lot from this trauma and it will change how I do things in the future.

God Bless.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

National Safety Board

Beth writting. Well, I guess Liz's injuries are officially MAJOR. There is a man out front right now who is taking pictures, measuring, looking and asking questions. He says the police and fire department give them details on accidents and they go into a database. The database then picks out bad accidents to be investigated. Like "how did injuries happen?" and in Liz's case "did the car save her life?" This guy seems to agree with the fire department. SHE IS LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.

Physical Therapy has been interesting. Today they only sent one person again. When they do this, Liz can get the brace on and just does bed exercises. Yesterday there were two people, so she even got to stand up for a while. She is progressing. The doctors and nurses seem to be surprised by how well she is moving. This morning she and I did discuss how long she might have to wear the braces. She kinda' knew about the hip brace but had no idea she would be in the back brace for 2 1/2 more months. Right now she only has the brace on once a day (if even) and not for very long. I am not sure how she is going to take it when it need to be on longer.

Please keep praying. We can feel the prayers. As everyone knows, Liz is a social person. Come visit. Wake her up if she's sleeping (during the day) lol.

Thanks for everything.

Pictures of Liz

iz walking!

And here are two pictures of Liz in recent months:


Monday, August 3, 2009


Liz would love to have Visitors. Please go see her. She is at Northridge Hopsital.


Beth writing. Just when we thought we could spend less time at the hospital, Liz starts getting overworked, not nice nurses. Yesterday (Sunday) - her nruse had 8 patients. We waited 20 minutes for them to even answer the call button. I finally went to the nurses station. When someone is there, we don't let Liz call for the little stuff.

Can you imagine if it was an emergency? I don't understand hospitals. When someone can't get out of bed, don't you think they would take better care?

Liz started eating, but has lessened it again. If anyone has any ideas on how to deal with this. Please let me know. I am at my wit's end. I just want to go to bed and sleep and wake up and have this all gone. I am sure Liz feels the same way.

At friend of ours passed away Saturday. She has been in a lot of pain and I know she is in a better place. But I feel to the people she left behind. Her best friend is so awesome. Please pray for him. His name is Mark.

PT is with Liz now. Hopefully they sent two and they can get her up today. Yesterday they sent one and one person can't even get her brace on let alone get her up.

Still don't know about move plans. Waiting on insurance.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cardiac Chair

Beth writing. I have been at the hospital a lot the last couple of days. Yesterday, I got there a 9 am so I could be there for PT. They did not come until 4 p.m. Thank heavens it was a person we know, so when Liz said she did not want to get up, he did not listen. He listened to me.

Liz got in a Cardiac Chair (almost like a gurney with wheels that sits up). When she first got on, she wanted off immediately. He adjusted it and it was better. I took her for a ride. This was not easy. The thing is very hard to steer. We stayed on the floor and went down through the halls with windows. She liked that. She lasted about 20 minutes.

It was a good thing I was there. The case worked came in and they want to send Liz to a Nursing home to get better and build up strength. You can't go to Rehab until you can do 3 hours of PT a day and she can't even do 1 yet. They were going to send her to Simi. I put a stop to that. Hopefully she will end up at Corbin and Sherman Way. When she can do 1 hour of PT, she can go to Rehab - so still pray for Northridge.

The doctor came in and put her back on IV fluids since she's not eating or drinking. He also told her that if she did not start eating they were going to put in a feeding tube. Low and behold - she ate 1/2 a chicken sandwich and a banana last night. This morning when I talked to her she told me she had ordered her food for tomorrow. I am so happy.

We are getting through day by day. Please continue to pray and you are welcome to stop by and see Liz. Hope to see some of you at the concert tomorrow night.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Generosity Water Benefit Concert, 8/2

One of the kids at church, Kevin Lienhard, is releasing his first CD.

He is having a benefit concert for Generosity Water at LIFEhouse Church on Sunday, August 2 at 6 p.m. Cost is $5.00 The church is right across the street from Northridge Hospital.

Please come!!! The gifts of music and words that God has given this young man are awesome. Our churches Praise Band is playing with him and they are great.

The Generosity Water Project is a wonderful way to give back. Our coordinator, Sarah, is a young person also. She traveled to Africa this year to see what they were doing. Hope to see you there!!!

Got Brace on and Sat Up!!!!!

Beth writing.

Yesterday Liz got the brace on and sat up. She also stood using the walker. She still can't put wait on her left leg for weeks. I keep telling them that she CAN NOT HOP on one foot. When one PT wanted her to - I said sure and when she falls, we will own the hospital. I don't believe in suing but sometimes these people don't think.

They put a trapzee bar over her bed and they are working on getting her to sit up (I believe with the brace on). Well, PT left it hanging down and she tried to pull herself up with one hand. Thank heavens gma was there and told her to stop and asked the nurse who said "Oh, they should not have left that hanging." What goes through people's minds? Give someone drugs so they are semi out of it and then leave things like that around?

We are still having a hard time getting her to eat. Please pray that she will start eating regularly and that she gets to stay at Northridge. Kinda' funny that we are trying to get a gastric bypass patient to eat.

Her VdC grouping came to the hospital and met with her last night. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall. I guess one of the girls really layed into her (I am sure it was deserved - I know Liz had layed into her the night before). She told Liz that everytime she starts to have a "Pity Party" she has to think of 5 good things about her life. I guess the Psychatirst (sp?) was there and agreed. The group is making signs up for the wall.

Liz is concerned since we are limiting visitors right now that some of her friends will forget about her. We have told her that if that is the case, those are the type of friends she doesn't need. She needs friends that will be there for the LONG HAUL. She has realized that this will take a while to heal, but I don't know if she knows how long yet.

She is in a VERY small room right now. She does have her phone (against my better judgement - but I got tired of arguing about it). So if she calls anyone in the middle of the night - I am sorry. I would still like to limit visitors, but people can come. Please just don't stay long unless you are sitting with her.

If you are sitting (and she is being VERY picky about who sits), please bring a book or something. She doesn't like to talk all the time, so she dozes. Also, please be POSITIVE. I have not been able to get her to watch TV. Her dad got her to eat and watch TV. What I call the "Magic Hours" went great for him. I told him that maybe he had to cover those hours then.

Thank you for all the food and prayers. I will keep everyone posted.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Beth writing again. She's out of ICU. She moved to the next department this afternoon. I believe it's called "Telemetry". Rehab is next. Please pray that it will be at Northridge. Sorry I haven't written, anytime I've been home - I have been sleeping. Thank heaven for good family. I have not lived at the hospital. I usually cover the 4 to 10 pm shift. For some reason, that's been the time she has been most awake and most cranky. Her dad is going to try it today and she is she acts the way she does with me. No one else seems to get to "enjoy" the things I do. I guess she doesn't complain as much with them.

Saturday night we finally got her to eat (Sushi and edamande). Her aunt came and brushed her hair (she had finally requested it and let us) and was putting lotion on her feet - Liz said "There is so much that makes me happy right now, I could cry." We were so happy. At about 12:30 a.m. that night (she was having a tough time so we were still there), we were waiting for the Doctor to come - I looked at her aunt and said "Is that Dr. Arnout or not?" She couldn't stop laughing. There were 2 major traumas that came in. I ended up helping deal with the families. Sometimes I wish I could turn my personality off and learn to shut my mouth.

On Saturday she also had 2 kitties in and out all day visiting her. Needless to say not really. She also has been complaining about all the people in the room and keeps telling me to tell them to leave. Last night she keep telling me to teelt he snoring man in the bed next to her to be quiet. She also wanted to go for a ride in the car, she would "just lay in the back seat". This was after they tried to get the brace on and we unable to even get in on because she said it hurt to much. Nothing like seeing YOUR child screaming in pain.

I guess on Friday, Liz asked my mom to get her to a "REAL HOSPITAL". Gma said "You are at one". Liz said "Have you heard of it before?"

This morning while Clint was there she gave him a whole list of things that needed to be packed so she could "Go to the hospital".

It's now 3:30 and Clint just left for hospital - he is going to cover 4 to 10 shift and see if he gets a different reaction from her. She does seem to eat more than I can.

I am trying to stay positive. Please pray for us. At this point other than rehab, just pray whatever the Lord asks you to.

Thanks for being there for us!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Funny Happenings

I guess there has been some confusion. The person writing this blog is Beth - Liz's mom. Liz is still totally out of it. She is still in ICU. As of 12 noon today we still haven't been able to keep her awake long enough to try to sit in a chair or even eat. For a while I will be posting. When we change - we will let you know. Last night she FINALLY asked that we brush her hair. I took this a good sign.

Sunday night - my sister tried to call and I had to hang up because the nurse was in the room. She texted me "Go to the window". I stood at the window for 10 minutes. My friend asked what I was doing. I told her that I figured maybe Barbara was coming to the parking lot. I finally texted Barbara and asked why I was standing at the window. She sent back so I could get better reception so she could call me. We couldn't stop laughing.

When Liz went into Surgery for her back on Monday - her main concern was "Will I be able to walk?" When she came I - I said "Liz, you will be able to walk." Liz said, "Not today I won't." Of course we all laughed. My dad sent out an email that she is unable to kick but she is "kicking with her mouth."

On Monday while waiting for Surgery to end we finally got my dad to take a nap. The doctor came out at 12:30 and told us he was done and gave us updates. At 1:30 my dad woke up and my mom told Barbara and I and my dad to go get lunch and bring it back. Of course, we did. About 2:30, we could see my dad was getting very upset. We asked what was wrong. He said "the surgery has to be over, something most be wrong." We started laughing (even though it wasn't funny) - we said dad, she's been out for 2 hours. We forgot to tell him.

When Liz is on the medication she is on - she sees things and says lots of funny things. She may kill me for passing this stuff on.

She keeps bugging us to take her for a cigeratte. She keeps coming up with all kinds of ways to get out. She even tried to get out of bed just for "A little walk". I explained that she would not be walking for a while. She also went on and on about going on the porch to have a smoke.

My friend and I were trying to cheer her up. My friend told Liz that we could do a dance for her. Liz said no. Well it turned out that was a good thing. Somehow I had missed the camera in the room. I have now been told that if we had danced - all the nurses would have crowded around and watched us. That same friend and I are tired of being broke. We were planning a bank robbery. I now know that the nurses saw it. Guess we can't do it.

My friend texted a question - I answered "idk" - she texted back "what does that mean?" I texted 'I don't know" - she texted "it;s at the beginning of your text". I laughed so hard I had to run out to go to the bathroom.

We were trying to get her to drink. We offered Iced Tea. She said "No, I will get some on the way." We asked on the way where. She said "Mom and I are leaving and I will get it then." We had to tell her AGAIN that she's not leaving.

She has a new friend who spent the night Thursday night in the bed next to her. There is no other bed. Friday evening, I asked her what her friend's name was and she said "Oudawna" and she was mad at her because she was going out partying that night. This morning I asked her is Oudawna had come back. She said no and she was mad at her because she didn't.

I know most of these may not seem funny to you and may be "guess you had to be there" but at least they are making me laugh and I would rather be laughing than crying.

Please pray. The nurse last night was not nice and I may be spending the night tonight. I will keep you posted. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't tell Liz

I made a mistake. It's Liz's left leg that's in the brace. We have not told her anything long term. She is still in and out of it. She knows she was in an accident, she sometimes knows she is in Northridge and she sometimes knows she is in a brace. Last night she tried to get out of the bed to go for "a small walk" to have a cigarette. I informed her that she was not going to walk for a while.

They are trying to wake her up more today. If you talk to her please only discuss today and say positive things. I don't want any negative said to her and when she gets negative, please point out the positives, i.e. "she's alive" "She can feel" stuff like that.

Tonight or tomorrow I will update with all the funny things that have happened. Thank heavens I keep laughing with the crying.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Just got home from hospital. Today went okay. She slept most of the day until around 7 p.m. Still in a lot of pain. They changed pain meds and lessened them. Her tolerance to the medicine is scary.

I want to tell you about some of the blessings we have received through this. One of her night nurses has a 24 year old daughter who was hit by a bus while on a bike last year. Her daughter had the same hip injury (did not need surgery though) and a broken right leg, so she knows exactly what to do. She has also been a help to me since she's been through this.

The team of surgeons is one of the best. We really lucked out with who was available. Liz is at Northridge Hospital where I and 40 other church members are volunteers for the Spiritual Care Department. Our church is just across the street.

Liz and I are blessed to have a lot of the same friends. I don't know of many mothers and daughters who share friends. We are also blessed to have very supportive family. We have been taking turns sitting with her.

The volunteer work I do at the Hospital is for a program called "No One Here Alone" - I work in the "No One Dies Alone". If someone is dying and family is not available, a volunteer will sit with them 24 hours a days. I have been able to inform a lot of staff about this program.

Being a volunteer and Stephen Minister, I been blessed to be able to help other people while I have been there.

Thanks for all the food, emails, phone calls. I am learning a lot during this trauma and plan to share it as time goes on.


Thank you everyone for all your prayers and offers of help.

Liz got her brace yesterday. It emcompasses her back and front and goes down her right leg to just above the knee.

She is still in ICU and having A LOT of pain. She knows where she is and that she had an accident. Other than that she is having a hard time remembering things.

We are keeping a log of visitors, emails and text messages. As we go along we give it to her.

It is going to be a long haul and we are going to need lots of prayers and lots of help, especially when we get her home. We all know what a social person she is, so, we are going to need the social life to come to her since she can't go to it.

I will try to post on this blog daily even it's just to say we had a good or bad day. They are going to try to get her up in a chair today since the brace is on. I pray that happens. Thanks for everything.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Liz's accident

Our daughter was in a severe car accident Saturday night. She was driving a 1970 Chevy Nova and hit someone, head-on, doing 40 miles per hour. They say she is lucky to be alive. Right now she is in Northridge ICU. She had surgery to reduce a dislocated hip. Her body is not responding well. She will be in a brace in a reclining wheelchair for 6 weeks. She also broke her back. She has a crack in a least 1 vertebrae.The surgery went well. They put 8 screws in: T9, T10, T11, T12. She is expected to be in a back brace for 3 months.They put in a chest tube to drain fluid. Lots of cuts that needed stitches and cuts and abrasions. Please pray that we get into Rehab at Northridge, and pray for our family as we try to ge through the next 6-8 weeks. Also, please pray for Liz's state of mind as well as her physical injuries. Thankfully, the other people involved in the accident are fine. Thank you all for your prayers and offers.