Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life at Home

Beth writing. Monday Liz was in severe pain. She called 911 and they took her to Northridge Hospital. After being there from 7 pm to 2 am, they told us that she had a UTI. Maybe the one at Burbank never got better? They started her on antiboitics and sent her home.

We have had Occupational Therapy, and nurse, a bather and PT (which only accessed her). Today is Thursday so she has not had any PT since last Thursday. Weird system. We went to see Orthopedic yesterday. Liz got the cast off and now has a brace on her hand. This afternoon we go to get the hip part of the big brace taken off. YEAH!!!!! She can walk but still needs to use the walker some. She has to wear tennis shoes for the next couple of months. She is not happy about this.

We are still waiting for referrals from the insurance to go see the Pain guy and the back guy. I am trying to convince her to take less pain meds. Its not easy.

Please come see her. She is starting to go crazy and Grandma and I are tired of entertaining her. We need some fresh people.

Thanks for prayers and let me know what it going on in your lives.


  1. You are still in my prayers, I am keeping you close to my heart! All my love and prayers, Michelle

  2. Hi Liz,
    I wanted to see how you are doing? I hope you are improving daily. I have been trapped with my broken foot/ankle for 3 weeks now and have another 3 weeks to go.
